Welcome to Lifestyle magazine
Lifestyle is the magazine for Motability Scheme customers and their families. The printed version is published four times a year and the magazine is also available here to read online. You can check out the latest issue of Lifestyle
below and browse previous issues in our Archive section, which means you never need miss out on any Motability scheme news, information or magazine features.
Latest Issue
Hello... and welcome to the first Lifestyle of a brand-new year! We hope 2020 has got off to a flying start for you. If not, take heart, as we’ve packed this issue with stories, insights and ideas to help make this year a very special
one. Now is a great time to spruce up your social life by taking up a fun new activity like bowls (page 35) or by finding forgotten friends and making new ones (page 38). If you’re one of the thousands of people in the UK for whom
chronic pain worsens at this time of year, you may discover new ways to manage it (page 41), and improve your mental wellbeing through meditation (page 48). Of course, you can also just relax and enjoy reading about why Lifestyle’s
Emma Bowler is looking forward to the 50th birthday she once thought she would never live to see (page 51) – plus much, much more!
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